How to apply Visa online by land?

Hello, I and my husband will enter Vietnam by Moc Bai border. What is the best way to apply for a visa? We won't be flying into Vietnam...we will be traveling by bus. Thanks!

In General Questions, Asked by Catherine, 10 years ago View all 1 comment

Do I take a payment for visa by AUD or USD ?

I want to apply visa 1 month single entry for 10 travellers. However, please confirm that your payment accepts AUD or not only USD. Thank you!

In General Questions, Asked by David Moye, 10 years ago View all 1 comment

Lam sao xin cap visa cho nguoi vietnam khong co ho chieu?

Ba me chong toi qua my da lau nen khong co ho chieu viet nam. Ho van chua nhap tich my, hien tai van cu ngu bang the xanh nen cung khong co ho chieu cua my. Khi toi dien thong tin apply Vietnam visa co yeu cau so ho chieu. Xin cho hoi truong hop ba me chong toi khong co ho chieu thi apply Vietnam Visa bang cach nao? Cam on.

In General Questions, Asked by My Le, 10 years ago View all 1 comment

Choose a single or multiple entry for travel?

HI, I'll fly to Tan Son Nhat airport at HCM then to Phu Cat Airport and back to Ho Chi Minh airport. From Ho Chi Minh I will fly to Bangkok. So the single or multiple entry is better for me? Thanks

In General Questions, Asked by Johny, 10 years ago View all 1 comment

Need visa on arrival for indian passport holder

Hi Vietnam Immigration, I will be in Hanoi for 1 week for vacation with my family. I hold the Indian passport Can I get Vietnam visa approval letter issued at hanoi airport ? Thank your support!

In General Questions, Asked by ABHILAMA BASH, 10 years ago View all 1 comment