Some critical errors in Vietnam visa approval letter may let you have to face up to the trip cancellation. The letter will be invalid and illegal if there's any incorrect information. The Vietnam Immigration Officer at the airport will NOT allow you to enter Vietnam. So please pay atttention to our advices
View moreIn order to attract more tourists from the Russian market, the Ministry of Culture Sports and Tourism suggested Vietnam Government to extend the Visa Exemption for Russian up to 30 days. An official letter about adjusting the visa policy for Russian tourist is sent to the Government.
View moreFrom 12th August 2014, the major of Vietnamese must have visa when they enter Thailand. This is a new rule of Thai Immigration. Many tourism company said that this policy not only come into effect to Vietnamese but also with other countries. In the other hand, this policy still make Vietnamese feel obstacle when deciding to enter Thailand.
View moreThe visa procedures at Tan Son Nhat airport (Ho Chi Minh city) is simple and quickly. However, there's some difficulty for travellers to locate or find the Vietnam Immigration Counter at Tan Son Nhat Airport when visit Ho Chi Minh city in the first time. This article will help you solve this confusion.
View moreThe visa procedures at Noi Bai airport (in Hanoi capital) is so simple and quickly. However, there's still some difficulty for travellers to find the Vietnam Immigration Counter at Noi Bai Airport when visit Hanoi in the first time. So, this article will help you solve this confusion.
View moreVietnam Immigration Department (VID) is the official organization granting your visa. All Embassies and Consulates abroad need checking with VID before approving or issuing any Vietnam visa or the other related documents. It's a functioning bureau belonging to Vietnam Ministry of Public Security. Its powers and functions focus on supervising, approving, or disciplining Vietnamese citizens and foreigners’ immigration, migration to and from Vietnam.
View moreThis year, the Independence Day falls on Tuesday September 2nd 2014. The Government officers, armed forces and employees ,include Vietnam Immigration Department, will be off in four days. They will work normally on Saturday, September 6th 2014 and take OFF on Monday, September 1st 2014.
View moreVietnam Nationality Law and 78/2009 CP Decree stipulate that Vietnam is one of the nation has the regulation that only accepted one nationality and the foreigners need following documents to apply for Vietnamese Citizenship.
View moreSome useful information for the foreigenrs who living in Vietnam for long time about objects and procedures to be granted a new permanent residence card are listed in the article.
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